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At Griffin Medical Centre ..

We believe that our patients needs caring attention when they come to visit us. We care for our patients health and our primary objective is to make them feel better and help them return to normal life as soon as possible. These in mind, our services are lined up to facilitate the best availability that our community needs.

  • General medical care for all ages
  • Women’s Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
  • Vaccinations for all ages
  • Insurance and Pre-Employment Medicals
  • 45-49 year old Health Checks
  • 75 year old annual Health Checks
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Minor Surgery and procedures
  • Skin checks and procedures
  • Private & Commercial Vehicle Driver’s Health Assessment
  • Travel Medicine
  • Podiatry
  • Exercise physiologist
  • Iron Infusion & Cryotherpay,currettage
  • Allied Health Services, Dietician, Physiotherapy, Psychologist

BILLING ARRANGEMENTS As of the 3rd of February 2025 Griffin Medical Centre became a mixed billing practice.

Fees are as follows:

New patient fee: $85
Standard consultations: $65
Telephone consults: $65
A rebate will apply for patients with a current Medicare card.
Children under 16, concession card holders and over 65’s will be bulk billed following their first appointment.

Dr Parul Christian follows a mixed billing policy. A minimum fee of $90.00 will be charged for consults with Dr Christian and a rebate will apply for eligible patients. Please contact clinic for further discussion on Dr Parul’s Billings.

Weekends and Public Holidays are privately billed.
All procedures are privately billed.

Thank you for your understanding!

FAILING TO ATTEND WITHOUT NOTICE Patients who fail to attend without notice may incur a $22 fee and will be unable to make any further appointments until the account is paid.

AFTER HOURS CARE Our after-hours medical service is provided by National Home Doctor Service; they are a fully accredited service. Their direct number is: 13 SICK/ 137525 Home visits are available in special circumstances. Please discuss these options with reception staff and your Doctor.

PATIENT FEEDBACK Our goal is to provide a quality and professional service in a comfortable and caring environment. We are happy to hear from you- should you have any concerns or suggestions, please telephone, write or email attention of Practice Manager.

We believe that your concerns are best dealt with through the practice, however, if we are unable to assist, you may prefer to contact the: Office of the health Ombudsman PO Box 13281 George St, Brisbane 4003 Ph:133 646 Email:

PRIVACY POLICY This practice is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your health information and has protocols in place to safeguard your privacy. All employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement upon commencement of employment and all computers are password protected. Your medical information is confidential and will not be shared with any third party without your consent. For more information on privacy please obtain a copy of our privacy policy from reception.